Babysitting Co-op

Our MOMS Club offers a babysitting co-op to its members, giving us even further opportunities to support each other.  The Co-op is coupon based, with no money changing hands.  Each mother receives a base number of coupons to start with, according to the number of children she has.  Additional credit is earned by babysitting co-op members' children.  Each coupon is worth 1/2 hour of babysitting credit.  

This is a great way to get time for doctor's appointments, a little 'me time', have a date night with your significant other, or just to run to the grocery store without kiddos in tow, all without spending a dime on babysitting.  All it costs is a little time!

Let us know, after you join, if you would like to participate in the babysitting co-op, and we will put you in contact with the co-op coordinator.